I know i have not updated my blog lately, but i have been a little busy. Mason just started 4th grade and Katelynn just started kindergarten. We moved into a new house this summer so Mason had to start a new school and he loves it. The best thing about the school it's the best school district in state. Woo hoo! We now live in a 3000 square feet home instead of a 1100 square foot home, BIG change. Gregg still works nights so he can stay home w/ the kids during the day, hopefully next year he can get a job during the day since Katelynn will be in school full time. Mason is very mature for his age, when he gets home he does his homework w/ out being asked. Last week mason didnt finish is home work and told me to wake him up at 4:30am so he could finish. I did wake him at that time and he did his homework for 4:30-6: 30am. He always helps me out. Katelynn she is are little Princess Slob, she makes messes all the time. After work one day i went into my bathroom and she had drawn all over the walls w/ my eyeliner (i was so mad!) and she told me it wasnt her and it was mason. I love her so much! She is one of a kind. I will try to post some pictures soon. I took some pictures of the new/old home but for some reason i cannot post it to my blog. I will try it again this weekend.