Mason is such a great kid, I don't know what I would do without him, for example. We got up around 8:00am Saturday morning, and while I was getting ready he helped Katelynn get dressed and put on her shoes, then we got into the car and he helped Katelynn put on her seatbelt as we headed to the bank. While I was in the bank he watched her since I was busy talking to the clerk. When we got back into the car we stopped to Burger King to get a quick bite to eat; he helped her open the packet of syrup so she wouldn't spill and make a mess. After that we dropped Katelynn off at dance and while we were waiting for her Mason and I decided to clean out my car. Mason took all the trash out, vacuumed and washed the inside of my windows. Once we were finished we washed the outside of the car and picked up Katelynn and while we were walking out of the dance studio Mason stopped Katelynn and told her what a good dancer she was and gave her a big hug (it was soo cute). After that we went to the store and bought a few things, we stopped at my parents house so the kids could hang out and why we were hanging out Mason came up to me out of the blew and told me I was the best mom ever.